/*cfg rotation script by dukevin. The cfg files must not be in a folder. Edit settings below:*/

//Add as many or as little .cfg's as you want in the line below, separated by a comma:

//Play a cfg this many times before switching to the next one:
$rounds = 1;

//Display how many rounds before the cfg changes? Alerts not displayed if $rounds = 1
$alert = true;   //set to "true" if yes, "false" if no


$played = array();
$last = -1;
$played = array_fill(0, count($cfglist), 0);
$repeating = false;
$line = rtrim(fgets(STDIN, 1024));
if (preg_match("/^ROUND_COMMENCING/", $line))
	for($x=0; $x<(sizeof($cfglist)); $x++)
		if(($played[$x] < $rounds && $played[$x] != 0))
			echo "INCLUDE ". ($cfglist[$x]) ." \n";
			if ($rounds > 1 && $alert) echo "CONSOLE_MESSAGE 0xaaaaaa{$cfglist[$x]} will play for ". ($rounds-$played[$x]) ." more round(s).\n";
			$repeating = true;
		if(min($played) == $rounds) //all the cfgs have been played
			echo "console_message Recycling...\n";
			$played = array_fill(0, count($cfglist), 0);
		do $num = mt_rand(0,(sizeof($cfglist)-1)); while(($played[$num]>=$rounds)||$last==$num);
		$last = $num;
		echo "INCLUDE ". ($cfglist[$num]) ." \n";
		if ($rounds > 1 && $alert) echo "CONSOLE_MESSAGE 0xaaaaaa{$cfglist[$num]} will play for ". ($rounds-$played[$x]) ." more rounds.\n";